Painting 1

Painting 2

Painting 3

Painting 1

My real intention and hope is my work both embodies and conveys an experience of presence, connectedness, and beauty.
My work is heavily influenced by nature and the mystical. Underlying elements of the natural world – energetics, pattern, rhythm, cyclical phases (birth,death, rebirth), and relationships are some of my principal areas of interest. I am drawn to the invisible - the hidden realms, what we don’t see, but what we sense. The feeling or energetic experiences in life - we all know how something ‘looks’ but how does it ‘FEEL?’.
The actual process or practice of painting is just as important as my finished work. I paint completely intuitively, never knowing or wanting to know the result; therefore, a painting arrives at its own ‘completion’ in its own time. Some paintings can take months to complete as they ‘steep’ in the studio until I sense what the painting needs next.
Practically, I begin with a loose, free approach and from there I add more layers with spontaneous mark-making that call to the texture of nature. I use a combination of heavy body, fluid acrylic, and oil, building the layers to respond to. The final phases of the process are based on blending and softening the painting through sheer and transparent components. I work in colour phases; inspired by nature i.e. mineral, crystal, geological, forest, plant, and marine life.
I use my painting as a practice in connecting to Source. My real intention and hope is that my work both embodies and conveys an experience of presence, connectedness, and beauty.